Friday, August 26, 2011

Midnight Photos

Last night i went out to take couple of photos of this particular location with nearly 20 of these beautiful light posts. When sun finally set completely and it was almost midnight, i headed out. I arrived to the desired destination and the disappointment was huge because only 3 of those light posts had lights on and lights in general were burnt or broken so i took couple of shots since i was there but i really didn't get what i went there for. I will try again once they have all lights fixed and working!

These light posts at left on the photo were the reason i went there but as you can see they're almost all out :(

After couple of shots at the city centre i went to see if this local wharf had lights on and it did! This place is pretty awesome, there's hundreds of boats in this bay and it looks very awesome during night time so i took couple of photos there too before i went back home to see what i got.

There was some movement on those boats because water flows at this location but it was windless evening so water was calm and reflective :)

These are 2 best shots from those very few photos and i hope that i'll be able to get good weather again to try these shots. Thanks for watching! :)

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